Monday, September 5, 2022


 Before people come to have a change of life through some program or path or recovery from insane living, they are ignorant.  They did not know the path or how it works.  If people are told about a path but say they don't want it, this is not rebellion.  It is ignorance.  You cannot rebel against what you do not know.  Many people who say they rebel against religion are really ignorant of what it is all about.  They think they know, but it is inadequate knowing from a limited source.  You cannot rebel against recovery if you never tried it.  So I try to keep in mind for myself, when I am "reacting," am I rebelling or just ignorant?  I used to think I was a rebel with a cause.  In time, I discovered I was a guy without a path, a bit clueless.  I cannot reject what I never explore.  I am in the process of "knowing more."


  1. I could not live without my Catholic Faith The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary. They are like the air I breathe. I love them all so much 💓
