Saturday, January 20, 2024

Debate Confronts Action

 I find that some people like to debate he existence of God. Those on both sides of the debate often end up in doing nothing to make the world a better place, more just and peaceful.  Those who say God exists, simply feel that being in the right religion or the right belief is sufficient.  Action beyond this or some pious worship is sufficient.  They remain more or less selfish and self-centered.  Those who say there is no God, then also feel no need to action for a better world.  There is no God, no religion so what is the point of doing good.  Get all you can for yourself.  Both sides remain selfish and ego-centered.  I don’t waste time on this debate.  Act on my belief.  Get out of my head and into my heart with compassion, some desert time, and do good for others without caring about a thank you or recognition.  Twelve-steppers know this.  

1 comment:

  1. There is a memorial of shoes on the bank of the Danube In Budapest so no one should forget the Jews who were shot there and pushed into the Danube. The horrors of the Holocaust in WWWIi and the persistence of Antisemitism should never be forgotten or denied. Tom Daley at
