Thursday, January 4, 2024


 If God can place limits on what God does, why can’t we?  Because we are not free to choose the limits.  The Sabbath is the signpost that God took a day off.  God did enough creating.  Let things evolve.  Do you have any sabbath time?  Time you simply stop achieving? Rest in the middle of a day or early morning, evening?  A spiritual practice is meant to give us freedom, time to not do something, achieve some goal.  Rest.  Do you drive yourself in activity until you collapse?  Are depleted?  Then you have given up freedom for some ego-goal.  


  1. Starting my day off with meditation is a choice and a gift. (So is reading your blog before I do, thank you!)❤️

  2. The only time I drive myself is when I go to the gym. but I never collapse becauseI have to drive home.
