Sunday, January 28, 2024

The Opposites

 One of the best ways I have found to explain meditation is using words together that seem opposite to one another.  It is like a koan.  At first, it makes no sense, but in time, it is a very wise saying.  “Silent Music,” is one such phrase.  There seems to be no sound, but in fact there is, for one who has ears to hear, the contemplative.  The emptiness becomes full and yet no thing is here.  “Pregnant Emptiness” is another such phrase.  Where there seems to be no life, there is new life.  Empty is not empty for one who is at the heart level of prayer.  In a meeting where meditation is part of the meeting, nothing seems to be going on for one who lives in their head, or is full of fear and self-centered, but in fact, much is going on for those who have eyes to see and ears to hear.  


  1. To me, its heart connection now, but my first attempt - I was too confused, and in my head, to let go and understand. ♥️

  2. And a heart to understand
