Saturday, August 20, 2011

Two Sides

There are two sides in the journey to fullness of Grace. First, when we are new to the faith, initiates, adolescents, we learn dogma, rules, rituals and law. This gives us some boundaries in which to function and relate to God, the Great Mystery. It makes God a bit less mysterious, and rather accessible. But it does not go deep enough, nor will it transform us into all God meant us to be, divinization as the Orthodox would call it.

The second side is more of the interior journey. The first side should point to it and assist in some way, but not burden us. This interior journey does not have rules, nor a human authority to guide us. A spiritual director may help to get us out of our own way, but it is really a journey between the soul and God. It takes discipline. Interior prayer of sitting in silence and solitude, lectio with scriptures, and showing up to a practice every day is not easy.

The devil, who prowls around like a lion, will ever remind us that we are wasting our time and should be busy in a more active life. If we follow this temptation, we will just act from an egocentric, self-centered and immature energy. Spare the world of this. So, what side of the journey are you on?

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