Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have "walking pneumonia" as we say in layperson speak. Chest xray shows it. So onto another medication for about two weeks! I travel in the next two weeks. So I am sick, but I don't have to be miserable about it, unless something makes me feel miserable. I rest and drink water. I do what I can do. We all have limitations. I will live with mine. I am not infectious to anyone else.

I think when I focus on being sick, I begin to worry and go into a "poor me" attitude. Then I feel worse! So I try and enjoy the day, and do what work I can do. At least now I know why my voice is "congestive" as we say. I am not an invalid. I think that a positive attitude toward a limitation helps in the healing and makes one a better person to be around for others. God had limitations when the Divine became human. God is teaching me something in this.


  1. Will keep you in my prayers....

  2. Mom set a good example for us. She never complained. She just went about doing her business which was usually thinking about others before she thought of herself. She lived a full live, and as you ssid, one filled with grace.
