Thursday, September 29, 2011


When the church says "Reform" who do they mean? For many centuries the church meant the lay people, you. It did not mean the ordained hierarchy. Church councils that took place after about 1200 began to focus on the reform of the structures and ordained hierarchs. So the next time someone says, "WE need to reform," ask that person who is the "we" of whom they speak.

When I have a lot of power in a situation, I tend to forget my own faults and shortcomings. I have the power to get something done, so my way must be the right way! I tend to ignore how fear, greed, self-interest, selfishness and envy can play a part in my power trips. When I forget that I am imperfect and subject to error or rash judgment, I may get what I want, but it will not be good for others, and ultimately not good for me. I cannot even rule myself. Why would I want to rule he world? Or the church?

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