Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Our dog, Don Bosco, got all tangled up in his leash when he went to do his business. I was holding my end of the leash at the time. He got frantic and began to spin around trying to untangle himself and made it worse. He barked at me when I came to untangle him. He showed me some teeth. Not good. He was blaming me for his mess! Well, he is a dog.

I am not a dog, but I do get tangled up in life situations and sometimes I get a bit frantic and want to blame someone else for what is no one's fault. Stuff happens. The dog eventually gave up and let me untangle him. I need to give up trying to blame or spin around uselessly trying to untangle myself. I need to trust God will take care of this stuff if I just calm down. Barking at anyone today?

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