Friday, May 25, 2012

Being Human

Human Beings pray.  This is something no other thing in creation does.  It is unique to us.  An apple tree produces apples.  It is what makes it an apple tree and not a lake.  Now there might be an apple tree that does not bear any fruit.  That is its only option.  It cannot produce figs.  It is apples or nothing.  There may be bad apples or rotten apples, but they are apples all the same.  It is possible that humans do not pray.  That does not make them less human.  It is a bit like the apple tree that does not produce any apples.  It is still an apple tree.  Atheists and pagans can pray.  There are a variety of praying, like a variety of apples.  There is yoga prayer, stillness contemplative prayer, walking prayer, talking prayer,  thinking prayer, and lots more varieties, but it is all prayer.  It is what humans do.  All substitutes will not fulfill being human.  I've tried them.  

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