Saturday, October 6, 2012


Seem the presidential candidates are promising more "jobs."  Sad that this is where the bar is now set for employment.  A job is something that I got during the summer between school semesters.  At home I had house chores or jobs to do.  Cleaning the bathroom was a job.  When I finally finished school, I went into a career, not a job.  My work was more than to pay bills.  My career was to be part of my overall fulfillment as a person.  I never thought of being fired from a career.  Companies did not downsize careers.  We have come or gone a long way, down.

I quit my career in business because it was not fulfilling.  It was not who I am.  If I am any good as a priest, it is not because I am clever nor especially compassionate or loving.  But I am where I belong.  Being a priest seems to fit me, even if I am a monk priest.  When it becomes a job, then I have lost my vocation.  It may be difficult at times in this church, and I have my demons, but it is my calling.  In the secular world it is called a "career."

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