Monday, October 15, 2012

Support Systems

The hierarchy wants to go back to the earlier 20th century way of the church because that was the support system that transmitted the faith so well.  Didn't we have two world wars back then, Christians killing one another, and the massacre of Jews?  If you want to put that aside, I think you have to face that people are different in their views today about religion.  Culture is moving along.  The old ways won't speak to any but the few who want such things as certainty, pomp, emphasis on obey the rules and a male dominated institution.

For many, religion has gone beyond irrelevant.  Irrelevant says that religion is real, has a purpose, but not a purpose for that person.  For many though, religion has gone the way of the tooth fairy.  It is that unreal.  Some people may come back because of nostalgia in the return to the old ways of being church.  I suspect that these people will find solace inside the church building, but I doubt that they will be much better people in their daily lives.  If they are not already good people, compassionate, caring, without prejudice, then I doubt a Latin mass will make them so.  Is anyone joining the church because Cardinal so and so is running around in a red cape and long red garment?

The new evangelization says we must preach Christ.  Seems he did not have much pomp, lived a simple lifestyle, hung around with public sinners, challenged the religious leaders who pushed the rule based life, and told memorable stories to make his point.  He even tried to engage people in conversation rather than just talk at them.  As in the time of Jesus, I think there are a ton of people who still have an inner hunger.  The old-time church will speak to but a few, and those few will make little difference outside the building and the ritual they so long for.

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