Wednesday, October 31, 2012

The Fold

The Pope says we have to bring the lapsed back to the fold.  The fold seems to be getting pretty narrow with all the focus on rules, and who can receive and not receive communion.  It is not that rules are bad, but the "fold,"  what is left of it, seems to be focusing more on rules than love.  Jesus did say, come in through the narrow door.  He did speak about the narrow way and few will be on it.  I don't want to say that I know what he had in mind, but he did seem to break some rules in his effort to be loving and compassionate.  How many of the rule keepers who feel comfortable in today's church are also as loving and compassionate as was Jesus?  Personally, I find it easier to keep a rule than to be kind.  At my nightly examination of conscience I more often have been unkind, uncaring, selfish, self-centered, judgmental, and resentful, than having broken one of the church's rules or specific commandments.

1 comment:

  1. There is an ashram in southern India that goes out into the slums and fins orphaned hungry dirty children and brings them to the ashram to live giving them a home, food, clothing and bathes them daily.
    Someone asked, "how do you get them to want to bath and stay clean every day?"
    The answer from those who care for them
    "We love them every day until they WANT to stay clean
