Saturday, September 19, 2015


I was just insulted.  I was dressed in my black priest clerical suit and black shoes.  Someone came up to me in the parking lot and asked, "Father may I take your picture?" My ego leaped for joy.  A fan of mine, right!  No.  She continued, "I have never seen you dressed as a priest in a black suit."  Ego crushed by reality.  I tried to smile as she took the picture.  I hope she sends it to some bishops.  It has been hot lately and so I have been forgiving sins and helping people while I was in shorts and tee shirt.  I have other excuses, but I must confess, I am not a poster boy for priesthood clerics.  I think I do good work, but not in corporate garb.  I suggest that in the morning, pray that you will do good for others and in your work, family and errands.  If you think only of what you might wear or how you will look, and nothing else, you might have good outsides, but the insides will suffer, and I suspect so will those around you.  In the recent recession, some of those Wall Street and Banker fellows dressed quite nicely.  They were not so good on the inside.  Not all crooks wear masks.


  1. I can remember being distracted early morning on a weekday by tennis shoes peeking out from under someone's robes as he celebrated Mass.

  2. Father we love you, but I think you miss the whole point and reason why we wear the clerics. It not for ego, but that others might easily recognize and distinguish those who are God's servants and can dispense the sacraments from those who can not. Clerics are not about how you look, but more about who you truly are.
