Friday, October 16, 2015


Remember the bible story about Jonah being swallowed by a whale?  The backdrop to this story is that God told Jonah to go to a town where Jonah's enemies lived.  Nineveh was a town where dreadful and violent people lived.  Jonah wanted God to punish Nineveh for being so rotten.  Jonah was sent by God to tell the people to repent and then God would not send misery upon them.  Jonah wanted people he did not like to suffer misery.  This is justice.  People we consider bad should pay the price for hurting me and other innocent people.  So Jonah does not go and ends up in the belly of the whale.  Finally Jonah goes.  He expects that Nineveh will not repent.  Bad people deserving of punishment do not repent.  Surprise!  They repent and God forgives them.  Jonah gets upset with God.  Are we any different?  Do we net tend to judge who should suffer from their hurtful lives and who are the innocent victims, or the good people or the righteous people?  Even when people repent and say that they are sorry, we are slow with forgiveness.  We want God to satisfy our vengeance.  Are you stewing in some whale's belly now?

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