Sunday, October 25, 2015


I am hearing a lot about mercy from the Pope.  I especially like mercy, forgiveness, and patience from some one if it also means that I don't have to change.  I forget that mercy is for more than my getting off the hook.  Mercy if offered freely, yes.  But it is offered for the purpose of me then changing my life or wanting to get some help to change my life.  How many people say, "Get me out of this, I will never do it again."  You get spared.  You do it again and again.  Love is really the window to change.  To love someone before they change will make the one loving a better person.  To love someone only because that person does as we want or expect, is a bit self-serving and won't change the lover for the better.  To love someone on the margins of good behavior or way outside of good behavior, is a gift.  It offers them a chance to change for the better.  I meet a few people who say, "God love me."  Then they practice bad behavior, such as judgmental, prideful, slothful, anger-filled and resentful.  Love would appreciate a response.

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