Saturday, February 27, 2016


We bemoan all the religious antiquities, shrines, and statues that are being destroyed by radical religions.  None of these religions are Christian of course.  They are all non-Christian.  But remember, that Christians used to destroy religious buildings and artifacts of the pagan cultures that were around way before Christianity came along.  Judaism did the same in the Promised Land.  It seems to be part of any these religions of the book, to destroy what went before them.  I would like to have seen some of these ancient "pagan" structures.  The word "Pagan" simply meant people who did not believe what the destroyers believed.  Pagans actually had beliefs.  They built structures to express the beliefs.  Does "Do unto others what you would have them do unto you," apply here?  I think that dialogue might do a lot better than destruction, and we might all learn something from one another.

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