Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Two Pregnant Women

Two pregnant women come together and they are called saints in my church.  This is rare.  For a woman to become a saint it rarely has anything to do with pregnancy.  Having babies seems to have nothing to do with their saint status.  But when Elizabeth, and old woman by pregnancy standards, and  Mary, with no husband, being pregnant is the focus.  If this were a modern scene, the pregnancies would be seen as problematic, having happened outside of anyone's plans.  But I know a woman today who went years without getting pregnant, built up a good executive business, a power job, and boom, pregnant.  She is over 50 with a third grader for whom she is most happy.  I know a teenager who got pregnant and today is a happy grandmother.  What makes it work?  I think a supportive community that looks upon the pregnancy as a blessing, not a curse, or problem.  I see this in Elizabeth and Mary.  Mary travels to be supportive of her cousin.  Elizabeth praises Mary for her pregnancy.  They both see God at work.  They both seem to have a faith, not so much focused on doctrines, as in the belief that God is at work in surprising ways.  Whenever something happens in my life and I think, "Whoops, this wasn't my plan.  I might be in a mess," God just might be at work.  The enemy of all this is self-absorption, at least in my life.

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