Tuesday, November 27, 2018


The root meaning of the word, education, in Latin, is educare, which denotes a process of being led outward.  The vision of eduction tied to religion/spiritual dimension is that whatever you learned  would make you more human.  To be human is to be relational, to love.  So you did not simply learn a subject so that you could better get a job and earn money.  Your primary purpose was to contribute to a society of persons related to one another in caring and love.  The money would follow.  When education becomes strictly secular, than the individual is emphasized over the group, and money becomes the focus.  At its worst the focus is "having more."  No concern for any other person.  So you might ask yourself, if you like STEM school learning, what is the purpose?  Does any of this feed the soul, or do you think maybe soul is non-existent or not so important, or something for church, synagogue and ashram?  I prefer a subject that can be taught in its practicality but with something for the heart and spiritual dimension of our lives.  The way the Mayo boys were taught about medicine by their father is an example.  It was about the patient and not about how much money or fame one could have.  Watch the PBS.org "The Mayo Clinic: Faith, Hope, and Science."  Would you not prefer that kind of doctoring?  That is STEM with a heart and soul.

1 comment:

  1. The world needs to hear more voices like this, gently teaching...
