Sunday, February 17, 2019

Alms And Fasting*

I usually think of alms as giving money to others who seem to need it.  I think of fasting as giving up some food.  But someone gave me another way of looking at alms and fasting.  Alms can be seen as giving up of self to be of service to another person or persons.  Sometimes I think I would rather just give the money, as it is easier and takes less time.  I don't have to do so much or give up time and energy for someone else.  That would be the selfish me, hiding behind putting money into a poor box.  Now fasting can be seen as giving up something of myself, my agenda, as in almsgiving for service to another.  When I look at it this way, I see how almsgiving and fasting work together to cut into my ego, my "all about me stuff."  Lent is coming and almsgiving-fasting are recommended.  Maybe this Lent I will do less focus on me and more on being of service to others.  That could be a long forty days!


  1. ...But VERY rewarding - AND Christian, as in following Christ

  2. I'm giving up my New Year's resolution!
