Friday, April 26, 2019

Baby And Bathwater

I find that many a Westerner rejects Western Religion based upon some experience in growing up, or some recent events.  But many of these same people love the Upanishads, the Tao and the Dharma.  Westerners did not grow up in these spiritual paths, so they can come to them with some openness. All these Eastern paths have great wisdom.  If you are open then the wisdom will shine forth.  I suspect that many people who grow up in these Eastern spiritual paths, don't find that wisdom.  You might find some intellectual belief or some vague identification as Hindu, Buddhist, Taoist, but not really much of the wisdom shines through in daily living with one another.  The West has no monopoly on bad behavior, prejudice, selfishness and the like.  All spiritual paths have wisdom.  What they lack is witnesses of the wisdom.  Spiritual paths are meant to be lived one day at a time.

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