Thursday, April 25, 2019


A lot of people would agree that Jesus of Nazareth was a rather spiritual person.  Did you know that he had fear?  His home base of operations was Galilee where he grew up.  He felt safe there going around and doing his spiritual teachings.  But there was a big feast in Jerusalem, where he did not feel safe, because some people there were trying to kill him, or wished him dead.  His family went down to Jerusalem while Jesus stayed safely behind in Galilee.  Fear controlled him at the moment.  But he had a sponsor who he called "The Father."  Jesus checked in with the Father.   His sponsor gave Jesus a second opinion, a different look about things. So Jesus went down to Jerusalem but in secret, undercover.  Once he got there, he began to teach as his fears began to lessen more and more.  Jesus moved into action and away from the power of fear that kept him inactive.  So it is OK to feel fearful.  Being on a spiritual path, in recovery, meditative, does not mean you won't feel fear.  It is what you do with fear.  Keep it to yourself, and it will control and paralyze you from becoming your best self.  Tell someone in all honesty, some trustworthy person, like a sponsor or someone on a spiritual path like yourself, and get a second opinion. When I do this, I find that the power of the fear begins to fall away.  I go from paralyzed or self-centered behavior, to becoming my better self.

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