Monday, April 8, 2019


Limitations can be quite uplifting when you think about it.  If we don’t live within our limitations, we will surely die by them.  If you are into your senior years, you don’t try to do things that are no longer possible lest you destroy yourself.  There is a point wherein high mountain climbers stop trying to climb high mountains.  If you are an alcoholic or addicted to opioids, you limit your intake to zero.  But you live, sober.  If you have some physical limitations, you live within them.  A broken limb limits you, but you rest and heal.  If you have neither the brains or money to get into some elite school, you live with it, rather than cheat to get in.  Rich people think that money can bypass such academic limitations.  Stay with limits and avoid jail or fines.  Th life I have now is a gift, with limitations.  Had I ignored my limitations, I would not have this life now.  I would have death.  And no blog.

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