Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Charles Freer Andrews

C. F. Andrews was a minister in the Anglican Church in England.  He decided to become a missionary and that is how he met Mohandas Gandhi, in South Africa, where Gandhi was working on civil rights.  Andrews felt that Gandhi was a wonderful example of the spirit of Christian love and Gandhi felt that Andrews was a missionary who bore witness to the Gospel through deeds.  Western religions seem so often to emphasize articles of belief, dogmas, and internal rules, while the witness in action is less important and often not lived much at all by its believers.  Various prejudices would be an example of this.  I find much more attractive a spiritual path that attracts through deeds rather than through promotions that emphasize beliefs or a system of hoops one must go through.  AA, Gandhi, and Andrews would be examples of the emphasis on action and witness.

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