Monday, May 27, 2019

Land Line Phones

The next time you talk on your land line phone, for those who still have them, and offices do, give a nod to my Catholic Church for providing the technology for the phone.  What?  Didn’t Marconi invent the stuff for the telephone?  He got the credit, but his technology was as slow as telegraphy, the Morse code stuff.  That is how fast one could talk on his technology.  But there was a Josef Murgas,   a Slovakian priest, an immigrant to the USA, who figured a way to send messages faster than Marconi’s technology.  And Murgas could send the signal overland.  Marconi could not.  It was 50 words per minute for Murgas and only 15 for Marconi.  Then Fr. Murgas gave his patents and research to Marconi, fearing his work would be lost without investors.  Thank you Slovakia.  Oh, and Fr. Murgas founded the Catholic Slovakian Church in Wilkes Barre, PA.  Is it still there and functioning?

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