Wednesday, June 26, 2019


When I was told as a boy that I should not swear, I thought it meant curse words.  But the original intent was that we are always supposed to tell the truth, so we don't need to swear as in, "I swear this is true."  We were expected to be truthful with everyone, rather than only with some people to whom we  choose to tell the truth.  Alternative facts are for people who we would judge as to not have a right to the truth.  At least that seems to be how it works out today.  We lie but don't call it a lie if it benefits our own agenda.  Used car salespeople had this reputation for instance.  I am usually lying when I would say, "I swear, I didn't do it!"  I was a bad boy.  Worse as a young adult.  Slightly better as a priest.  I swear I am better!

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