Sunday, September 29, 2019

Aging On The Insides

If you are falling apart, at a jumping off place, it is not necessary to find a group or persons to help you who are your age on the outsides.  Find a group that is your age on the insides.  Many a young person beat themselves up with a hard lifestyle of bad stuff, but get the grace or desperation to seek help while they are still relatively young, say under 30, or a teenager.  On the outside, biologically, they may have some youth, but they have grown old on the insides.  They have quite a bit in common with a person in their 40s-60s in terms of the insides.  And is it not the insides that need to be changed?  These young people tried to get well, sober, sane, healthier by exercise and food diets and organized religion.  But that did not change their destructive habits that kept bringing them down and down to the jumping off place.  Many a fit young person, aged on the insides has found quite a bit of help from "old people."  The insides match up.  I hear that young people read my blogs.  True?

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