Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Clean House

Sometimes people decide to lighten their lives by cleaning house.  They go through their closets, garage, attic and cellar, to find all the accumulated stuff they have and no longer use or need.  Recycle, give away to charity, landfill, garage sale, pass on the the children or friends, and then the cleaning house project is done.  They should feel a certain lightness of being, an accomplishment, right?  Not necessarily.  Why?  Because they have some possessions they hold dear in the nooks and crannies of their inner self, and it weighs them down, taking up space.  They hold onto old resentments, anger at stuff done to them, real or imagined, self-centered fears, jealousy and envy, the desire for some retribution or revenge.  Wow, what a load.  This is the "clean house" that still needs to be done.  And to do this we often need help.  Sometimes it is easier to clean the house, than the heart.  And sometimes neither is done and life is very heavy and cluttered.

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