Saturday, September 28, 2019

Bread Baking

I was making bread yesterday.  I had my plan of how the bread was supposed to respond to my mixtures and timing.  The bread did not cooperate.  It decided to do something that was not my plan.  In the bread mixing machine, I kept adding flower, but the bread kept staying moist and a bit sticky.  Eventually I decided it was mixed OK and let it in a bowl to rise.  It was still not quite the way I wanted it.  But it rose and then I pounded it down.  It was way too moist again but I put it into separate bread pans and let it rise again.  It did, but did not have the feel of my plan.  The bread had its own plan.  I baked it and it came out fine, but not how I expected it would, given the last time I baked bread.  I have to remember that bread is a living organism and you cannot control such things.  Remember that the next time you try to control a person, a living organism.  They will turn out the way that they will turn out and you may wonder, “How did that happen?”

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