Saturday, November 27, 2021


 Some of us have issues with fear.  Where does fear come from?  Why does it seem to control our emotional life at times?  I think that lots of fears come from living in the past.  Coming into the world from the safety of the womb can be frightening enough, but then events happen in our lives that frighten us.  We relive them as adults, maybe in some other triggering adult event, but it is the same emotional history resurrecting itself from within our fear vault.  Burying fear does little good, and only short term.  Or we encircle fear with inadequate strategies, such as sex, drugs, drink, exercise, busy work or even violence.  I now try to slow down and admit that I am feeling fear, and see if it is coming from a past event relived in the moment.  I may even talk to someone about it.  But if it is past, it cannot hurt me now.  I can live only in the present if I want some sanity.  I will do this as often as needed until the fear becomes a memory, that I may use to help another suffering person.  


  1. Thank you for sharing. Fear is a companion of mine and I am learning not to hate it but treat it gently. Please pray for me as sometimes the fear still gets large and looming.
