Thursday, March 24, 2022

The Real

 Have you ever been in the presence of someone(s), and that person or a person in the group begins to talk about something real?  No chit chat or pleasantries, a form of politeness, when people sense no one is interested in talking about something of real depth in the heart.  The real might be about loneliness, a tragedy, a revelation of a personal fault, even something that is a funny, but a real event in their life.  Suddenly, when the real is spoken, you, the listener, feel a sense of attraction to the speaker, the subject.  Maybe a restlessness, barely noticeable, in you, loses its grip.  Boredom is never the reaction to the real when spoken by another person.  I know how to be polite, as in chit chat.  I have to work at noticing the real emotions in me and the courage to speak them to another.  


  1. Happens every day with the fellow "travelers on the road of happy destiny" that I hang out with.
