Saturday, August 6, 2022


 I like the story of Matthew.  Jesus simply passes by and says "Follow me."  Matthew is a tax collector sitting at a table counting money.  Not only does he get up and follow Jesus, but he gives no explanation as to why he did it.  Nor did he have any expectations of what he would get out of following Jesus.  For me, a spiritual path needs no explanation nor expectation of what will happen on it.  I simply feel an urge, a pull, an inclination, or a "call" if you will.  People ask why a monastery or priesthood or whatever.  I don't have to have any reason but that I feel the pull.  If I say I want more silence and solitude, then I have an agenda and am not open to the One who is inviting me.  Sometimes the heart cannot find the words or the reasons.  It just knows.  

1 comment:

  1. Happy belated 45th anniversary Father Terry!
