Saturday, August 20, 2022

The End

 When Covid hit in early 2020, I said, "My life is over!"  I meant that my working, income producing, uplifting work of teaching in front of groups of people had come to an end.  But as it turned out, life was changed, not ended.  I discovered Zoom and Venmo.  Zoom was a whole new format way to teach and Venmo was a way to get paid.  No travel.  No airports.  No bad beds and so so food.  I could stay at home and teach on computer.  I do miss the people in person, and the coming together with one another.  But this is all a change and not an ending.  Covid left me with a loss of control in some sense.  I always could tell how I am doing in front of a live group.  I could sense if I was making a helpful connection.  On Zoom, I don't know since most of the people pick up the session from a recording.  And they say nothing. So I work on trust and hope.  And try to be of service.  


  1. Faith and works GodBless

  2. I was taught that I am responsible for the effort not the result. I use a walker and have limited access to meetings. I rely on Zoom for my daily dose of reminders from my fellow travelers. It has kept me in touch for the last 2 years. Thank you for your daily words of wisdom.

  3. It's funny how we can all adapt to what is going on in our lives. We seem to adjust weather we want to or not. God is in charge and I let him take care of everything. He does a great job
