Friday, March 24, 2023


 Let us get away from the idea of "sin" being about bad actions or thoughts.  People generally confess to me the bad things they did.  And so if we don't do bad things, then we don't sin.  Move beyond all that and consider sin as inadequacy or failed effort to do good.  When Jesus came to call sinners this would include me in my inadequacy.  Such as what?  Meditation at any depth would be a lot of failed efforts on my part.  I try, but often end up dry or frustrated.  This is a good thing!  Why?  Because then God comes to the rescue when we have enough humility in our failed efforts to ask and wait upon God for help.  The Western mind too often says about prayer, "If I do this, I get that."  Prayer is a relationship. It is not about buying some product at a store or making some material object.  We are so tempted to give up when we cannot seem to let go of mundane thoughts or let go of restlessness, or brain noise.  Inadequacy can bring us to the point of powerlessness, or as some mystics say, "Our Nothingness."  If you are trying to get to "emptiness" by your own efforts, you will end up with your empty false self, thinking you have arrived.  But your life won't change for the better on your ego induced efforts.  Admit defeat and ask for a little help from the Power you seek.  

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