Sunday, March 19, 2023

Into Isolation

I encourage people to take time for silence and solitude for the sake of meditation.  But not too much.  There needs to be a balance between solitude and community, interaction with people especially in being of service.  I have found that the craving for more silence and solitude can easily lead to isolation.  Sometimes the build up of resentments at people, places and situations makes one want to be left alone.  That is not solitude.  Prayerful solitude leads to an outreach in which we are not dominated by our tendencies toward selfishness, judgment, desire for praise, control or power.  How do you know when you have had too much solitude?  When everything "out there" is a burden.   

1 comment:

  1. Prayer and meditation create a space in my heart that makes me want to reach out to others and I thank God for doing the dishes with me. ;) That helps my spirit too!
