Friday, March 10, 2023

To Suffer

The root meaning of patience is pati, to suffer.  Ouch.  I don't like to suffer.  What do I do to avoid patience?  I get angry at everything and everyone that bothers my tranquility or my plans for life, my life.  Or I try to escape into fantasy, mindless entertainment, shopping, even workaholism.  Sometimes hobbies can become an escape.  At my best, I try not to be concerned about the externals of a situation, as how do I respond to it.  This is where patience comes in for me.  And yes, it can feel like a suffering, or else it is not patience but rather quiet anger, condemnation of others in my mind.  I have come to see that patience, though a suffering, is the lesser suffering than quiet anger.  I never drank over patience.  

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