Monday, May 13, 2024


 It is not what I do so much as what I become in what I do that is important.  You might be of service to another, try to do a good deed, but the results are not what you expected or wanted.  Yet it is not so much the "good" deed or action that counts, but rather what did you become because of the action.  Resentful at the results is not worth the action.  Acceptance of the results would be what makes you the better person for doing the action in the first place.  We are not in charge of results anyway.  We are not gods.  We don't control other people, places and situations in spite of what the ego wants or thinks.  Become humble.  I pray, not to enjoy a good buzz, but to become a better person by my daily efforts.  What is better?  Well, more loving while others around me are not so loving, would be a betterment of myself.  


  1. I never thought about how I progressed the way
    I have. I am pretty sure that what you say is a significant part of that process.
