Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Powerless Love

 God’s love, the Divine, Higher Power, is powerless.  Such love does not force us or act tough.  God loves humbly even with all that Power.  God does not force us, but rather shows us a way.  God respects our free will.  God is humble in this way.  Would that religions would be so humble instead of demanding, “do this or else.”  Recovery programs are about suggestions.  The person in need will only respond when they realize that their will power is broken, like a lot of the rest their self.  They want to want but need help.  That is why recovery programs have guides, persons who walk the recovery path giving suggestions.  God is behind all this.  A person will come to believe in some kind of God when they begin to see the miracle happening in their ability to say no to the addictive behavior and live a life of love toward others.  You can only love another person powerlessly, humbly.  You cannot force them to respond with love.  You cannot manipulate them.  Knocking yourself out in action or expending money will not make someone love you.  Love with humility rather than be pathetic.  

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