Tuesday, May 28, 2024

The Call

 What does a Higher Power, the Divine, the One, God, want from us?  To call us out of ourself.  Get us away from our focus on success, wealth, and power.  If the focus is out of balance, all about me, and ways to allay my fears, then I am not much use for service to others.  Service takes time and energy away from success, esteem, power.  Service is no longer all about me.  Fear is what stands between service and self-focus.  Coming out of college with a huge debt, coming out of a nasty divorce, loss of job from downsizing, weather-related disasters, can raise up lots of fear.  At such a point it does not occur to us that being of service to others can allay this fear.  I simply don’t have time to be paralyzed by this fear, because I am doing something for someone else.  In trying to heal another, I am healing myself, no matter the effect I might have on the other person(s). 

1 comment:

  1. Love this, thank you Father Ryan ❤️
