Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Missionary Aspects

Any conversion experience, be it from addiction or religion, has a missionary aspect about it.  We want to tell someone else about the change in our life.  I have found this “telling” this promotion aspect a bit of a problem.  Talk is cheap as someone said.  Action is more a convincer.  I want to see the change in a person’s life, not hear about their new beliefs.  In recovery it is called progress rather than promotion.  Don’t be telling people you are sober.  Show them a change in your life from selfishness, fear, mistreatment, anger,  and whatever other bad habits and emotions ruled you.  Show people love and concern for them by your actions.  Sobriety does not last simply on good feelings.  The pink cloud passes.  The character defects don’t.  In religion,  people can become so righteous.  They tell others what is the right belief, the correct religion, for which you will burn if you do not conform to their right way.  Guilt will not hold anyone for long.  Be a good missionary. Change your life.  Others will notice.  They are watching.   

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