Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Living In The Solution

A babbling mind lives in the problem.  A listening mind lives in the solution.  A mind that prays with thoughts full of why my world, or the world, is a mess and why does God not fix it as I see fit, is a babbling mind.  I am living in the problem.  So I try to let go of the above agenda, and just let myself begin to listen in the stillness and the silence.  Now I am open to the solution.  If I am in this world to play the role that God assigns me, then I must be living in the solution.  So I must listen.  Be humble.  Wait.  Be patient.  My higher power is the solution for people who want to live in the problem.  Silence, solitude, stillness are the three "S" things I try for in my meditation.  This is more a letting go than a grabbing on.   My God's will is the solution.  

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