Sunday, May 26, 2024

In Plain Sight

 God’s love is always available even if we don’t ’ believe or want it.  A person who has a conversion experience comes to know this.  The great “AHA!”  God’s love is bottomless, but we miss it when we are obsessing over what we don’t have, what we think we need, or want.  Since such people are already hitting themself over the head, God need not bother doing it with love.  In my religious tradition, Catholic, God is in plain sight but hidden in a little, thin, white wafer.  Why so small and so unassuming, fragile?  Well, ask God.  It is not important to me that people notice my loving actions or simply my love for them.  It is important that I love them.  Do my side of the street of love.  My spiritual path is that my love will deepen, not that I will get a lot of recognition.  I am a work in progress.  

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