Friday, May 31, 2024

Pleasurable Results

 Meditation is a bit tricky for an alcoholic.  Why?  Well, alcoholics seek pleasure.  “More” is the operative goal.  So they begin to meditate in the hope of feeling good.  Feeling good, and then feeling better, the true goal of an alcoholic.  But meditation is not a solitary activity.  God or Higher Power is at work, revealing more than the alcoholic might care to know at that moment.  As with all meditation, sometimes the activity and seeming results of time spent, are blah, not much, full of distractions.  This is to break us out of our egocentric desire to feel better in whatever we do.  But maybe the point of meditation is to know God’s will, not ours, and the power to carry it out.  If you are less selfish, more giving without any need for results to make you feel better, then the meditation is working.  So I have found out.  

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