Saturday, August 3, 2013

Free Market Lobby

When the bishops of the USA wrote an encyclical, "Economic Justice For All," the conservative free market thinker did not much care for it.  It seemed to demand capitalist leaders widen their goals from making all the money they can, to making some and helping people to have a decent life.  The big spenders did not bother with the bishops. They went to their contacts in the Vatican and lobbied for a papal encyclical that gave a bit more praise to capitalism and its goals of $$$.  JPII came out with "Centisimus Annus."  This new pope cannot be lobbied.  He is for the economic justice package.  Greed is no longer good.  It has become a sin.


  1. I thought greed was always a sin. I seem to remember something about moneychangers . . .

  2. Greed as a sin stretches back to Eve and that apple tree.

  3. Thank the Lord for the new pope. The church can sure use his more humble and caring ways....More like Jesus and St. Francis, less like bureaucrats trying to hold on to power. Both Jesus and St. Francis shook up the church at the time. I pray for the same now...
