Thursday, August 1, 2013

Seek And Find

Jesus says, "Seek and you shall find."  Find what?  I seek to be comfortable, at peace and happy.  I am reading this Spiritual Guru, Columba Marmion.  He says to seek God's will rather than my own comfort. Well, how am I supposed to know what God's will is?  Maybe I should ask God?  I am not sure I want to know.  Seems all God's close friends suffered on the way to happiness.  "I was hoping God, that there was, you know, another way."  Be careful what you ask for.  Everytime I ask to be happy, I seem to have to give something up that I like.  I have found that this works.  Good grief!


  1. Great! Another great Irish writer!
    "Magis prodesse quam praesse"...
    to serve rather than be served

  2. Fr Terry, Columba was beatified at the same time as Pope John XXIII, no?
    Do you have any more summer reading suggestions?

  3. How about, "Fortgotten Desert Mothers," by Laura Swan.
