Sunday, May 1, 2016

Me Before You

In Jo Jo Moyes' best selling novel, "Me Before You," Will Traynor is a paraplegic in a wheelchair.  He once was very active and self-willed.  Now he can do nothing without help.  He wants to die so he sets up an appointment with a clinic that will do the job for him, since he cannot even seem to kill himself.  Along comes a new caretaker, Louise Clark, who grew up in a much smaller and less wealthy world than Will.  Love happens. Will is being somewhat transformed.  He still wants to die, but now he has another reason.  It is so that Lou will have a much better life, a fuller life, without him around.  She disagrees.  What will happen?  Well you have to read the book.  Would Will be undergoing assists suicide, with all our judgments about that process for the person?  Remember that Jesus said he came to die, and even suffer.  He did not try and avoid it.  Plus, he told his disciples that things would be better for them, whom he loved, if he were killed.  He did not kill himself.  Pilate supplied that for him.  Pilate "assisted" in God's plan for our salvation, so we Christians believe.  Jesus and Will are on their path, out of love for an other or others.  Neither planned to kill themselves.  Will's death would be seen as assisted suicide.  Bad. Bad.  Jesus is seen as saving the world.  Good. Good.  I am more than Grateful for Jesus doing what he did.  I am not so absolutely condemning of Will.  I may not agree with his choice but life, and death can be complicated.  What do you think?  Oh, the book will be a movie this summer.  Bring the hankies.

1 comment:

  1. I don't agree that Will was on a path out of love at all. He was on the path because he couldn't tolerate his life after the accident. He met Lou and took a slight detour, but basically stayed on his same path.
    That said, I'm not so condemning of suicide either. To paraphrase my Pope (although speaking about another topic all together) "Who am I to judge?"
    I believe in free will and the right, no the necessity, of each person to follow her/his conscience.
