Thursday, July 25, 2019


Growing up, I remember my grandmother sitting in the living room darning socks. What is darning?  When you have a hole in your sock, you do not discard the damaged sock as useless, but rather sow, needle and thread, new material over the hole to fill it in.  Sock is patched but good to go.  Today, we just toss the damaged sock into the garbage and get a new pair.  I think we are like damaged socks. Our lives get messed up.  We have holes.  We are no longer new and perfect.  We age.  We break down.   Some people would just be rid of us and get someone new. This is the trophy partner.  But let us not be rid of ourselves, which would be suicide, slow or fast. We may be damaged goods from life but we are worth saving. God patches me up.  Some power can patch you up too.  And that person you think of ignoring or dropping?  They are like you, a damaged sock.  Love patches them up as it does each one of us.

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