Tuesday, July 16, 2019


In my church there are seven sacraments, signs of God at work, if you will.  But I think there are eight and the eighth is one that everyone can have, but few partake.  It is “The Sacrament of the Present Moment.”  The seemingly ordinary present moment can be so sacred, but we miss it.  We see the people in it as getting in the way, or not cooperating, or an energy drain.  We see only trash and not the beauty of nature, the architecture of buildings, interesting faces.  These are moments that can reveal to us the depth of life, the odd but arresting scene, the sounds of birds and animals.  But if I am all about my sore back, late for a meeting, resentful at something that did not go my way, and the traffic, both walkers and riders, I am all into myself.  I live in a cave of darkness at these moments and all I have to do is awaken to the light. Some days or moments, not so easy to do.

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