Saturday, October 12, 2019

Being Available

Do you ever have that time when you are feeling so lonely, the blues, going through a bad patch, and think to call a friend, but then say, “Oh, she is so busy with so many responsibilities, I don’t want to burden her.”  Then you say the same things about other friends, and end up reaching out to no one?  You try to gut it out alone, “thinking of the burden” you would be to others.  This is usually when we do the most damage to ourselves.  We are not built to get over tough stuff by ourselves.  We need friends, or a tribe for support.  So I have decided that I will work on trying to show people that I have plenty of time for them.  I will try to not act so stressful and whiny about all the things I have to do.  That way, no one can use the excuse that I am too busy for them.  If I want help, I need to be help.

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