Thursday, October 17, 2019


No matter who is President of our country I hear complaints.  “How did this person ever get elected?”   Well, I found out that our current president was elected by 27.7% of eligible voters.  It is not much better  whichever party won.  Barack Obama in his first term received only 32.6% of eligible votes.  It is worse for first term elections all the way back to Richard Nixon.  So when people complain I ask,”Did you vote?”  And did you encourage others to vote.  I find that many people complain about something, but don’t do anything themselves to try and make it whatever they think is “better.”  If I want to make things better as I might see it, I have to start with me.  I have to make myself a better and more responsible person, who complains less and participates more.  If I sit on my couch with a bottle, drinking myself into oblivion while I complain about the state of the nation, I am not the solution.  I am part of the problem.  Local elections are in a few weeks.

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