Saturday, October 19, 2019

The Choice

I used to choose relief whenever I felt in a yucky mood or feelings I wanted to escape.  It never worked.  Short term relief and then worse misery.  So now, instead of relief, I seek improvement of my spiritual and emotional condition.  This improvement focus does bring some relief, maybe not so instantaneous, but certainly with less side effects and the results are usually more long lasting.  In prayer, I am not alone, and contacting someone also takes me out of myself.  Often I get some very good advice from my contacts with friends.  I want to improve the way I live my emotional and spiritual life rather than change a mood with mood altering stuff.  I know that chemically prescribed stuff can be a help to some people, but I have not gone in that direction.  We are all different with different issues, so I just say what has worked for me.

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